How to scan on hp deskjet 3755

So today’s post is regarding HP deskjet 3755 printer, How to scan on hp deskjet 3755, copy and print. So I’m going to show you there are two methods to do that. The first step is to do copy.

How to copy on hp deskjet 3755

For that we need to load some paper. And this is the tray where the pages will come mouth. Now I’m going to do a copy for test page one.

  • So insert the page, hold it
how to scan with hp deskjet 3755
  • and press the color or black and white icon and the number of copies we want. 
  • So I press it once black copy and you’ll see the pages just start it to go in.

So just wait for the print to come out and the copy is done. You might see the printer speed is slow, but it’s a small printer, it takes time, it’s not that slow. 

It’s much better than many printers here. So that was the copy and it is already done.

How to scan on hp deskjet 3755

Now I’m going to show you how to scan with hp deskjet 3755. Now, to do a print and scan, we need to connect this printer with our mobile phone or our laptop or MacBook. 

So to use that print, there are two methods. As I told you, the first step is to use the printer WiFi setup. So that is printer’s WiFi direct. So here we use the printers network and the other is to use our homes WiFi network. 

Connect our hp deskjet 3755 printer with our home or office WiFi network

And for that, we need to connect our hp deskjet 3755 printer with our home or office WiFi network. So I’m going to use first the WiFi direct and I’ll show you how to do that. So make sure the WiFi direct light is on. 

If not, then you just press This button, that is the WiFi direct button. And now we go on our device.

So we go on our mobile device and we open the WiFi networks. Here we see the printers WiFi network. 

  • Click on that it will ask a password.
  • So just enter the password 1234-⁠5678 connect.
  • So it’s connected and there is no internet. It says.
  • Now if you go to the HP smart app, open it. If you don’t have this app you just need to download it and then you can use it. 

You will see the printer available on the top. If you don’t see there is a plus option on the top. Click on that and then you will see the name of the printer. And if you still can’t find press add printer. 

How to connect hp deskjet 3755 to wifi in a Few Easy Steps

  • Now click on the printer name. It will be added here.

And now I’m going to show you, it will do the print and scan. So for example I’m going to do here like print photos or print documents like print document. So we’ll do any PDF. And now you will see the print option. So that is print. You can select the number of pages and all the details if you want. So I’m just going to put the range from one to just one.  And now you’ll see this blue icon. Click on that so you can see it has started to print and print is coming out as well.

Now the next is to do the scanning. So for scanning I’m going to show you here. 

  • Now for scanning, we need to place a page facing upwards here and you will see once you insert it, it will take it in.
  • Now you can leave the page and go to the HP Smart app again. And here you can see the printer scan. 
  • Click on that and click on scan will see it has started to take the page in and you can see the print.
  • It has scanned it so that we can see on the top.
  • Now we can select the page and so that it looks good. 

So I have done it. Now press is next so that you can see it has test page one. So these were the two things we can do.

Home WiFi network.

Now I’m going to show you how to use the home WiFi network. For that you need to

  • connect your mobile with the home network. 
  • open the HP Smart app and add the printer. 

We need to go and press plus button again. You will see the printer and it will be added.

There are a number of steps that will be involved. So just go on that. If you don’t know how to do that, just see my other posts. 

Once it is done we can do the print and scan again.


So hopefully you like this and it’s easy to use this printer. Thanks for reading. 

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